bite | / | bite <@user> | Bites a user |
hug | / | hug <@user> | Hugs a user |
kill | / | kill <@user> | Kills a user |
kiss | / | kiss <@user> | Kisses a user |
pat | / | pat <@user> | Pats a user |
slap | / | slap <@user> | Slaps a user |
8-ball | / | 8-ball | Asks a question to the magic 8-ball |
meme | / | meme | Displays a meme |
random-avatar | r-av | random-avatar | Gets an avatar from a random user |
rps | rock-paper-scissors, rockpaperscissors | rps <rock/paper/scissors> | Plays a game of rock-paper-scissors |
tictactoe | ttt | tictactoe <@player> | Plays a game of tictactoe |
help | h | help [command name] | Displays help menu |
rules | / | rules | Displays bot's rules |
bot-info | botinfo, bi | bot-info | Displays bot information |
list-roles | lr, roles | list-roles [@user] | List a user's roles |
ping | / | ping | Displays the latency of the bot |
server-info | serverinfo, si | server-info | Displays server information |
user-info | ui, stats | user-info [@user] | Displays a user's infomation |
ban | / | ban |
Bans a user |
give-role | giverole, gr | giverole |
Gives a role to a user |
kick | / | kick |
Kicks a user |
lock | lockdown | lock [channel] | Locks a channel |
mute | / | mute |
Mutes a user |
nuke | / | nuke | Clears all the messages in a channel |
poll | / | poll |
Creates a poll |
purge | clear | purge <1-100> | Clears a certain amount of messages |
remove-role | rr | remove-role |
Removes a role from a user |
reset-warnings | reset-warns | reset-warnings |
Resets the warnings of a user |
unban | / | unban |
Unbans a user |
unlock | unlockdown | unlock [channel] | Unlocks a channel |
unmute | / | unmute |
Unmutes a user |
warn | / | warn |
Warns a user |
warnings | warns | warnings |
Displays the amount of warnings of a user |
clear-queue | cq | clear-queue | Clears the queue |
loop | lp, repeat | loop | Loops the current song |
now-playing | np, nowplaying | nowplaying | Displays what song is playing |
pause | / | pause | Pauses the queue |
play | p | play |
Plays a song |
queue | q | queue | Displays the queue |
resume | r | resume | Resumes the queue |
search | sr | search |
Searches for a song |
shuffle | sh | shuffle | Suffels the queue |
skip | sk, s | skip | Skips the current song |
stop | dc, fuckoff, bye | stop | Stops the music |
volume | sound | volume <1-100> | Changes the volume |
close | close-ticket | close | Closes a ticket |
ticket | support | ticket | Creates a ticket |
ascii | / | ascii |
Converts text to ascii |
avatar | av, pfp | avatar [@user] | Displays a user's avatar |
bans | banned | banned | Displays the guild's banned users |
bin | source-code | bin
Puts a code into sourcebin |
covid | corona | covid |
Displays information about the corona virus |
embed | / | embed |
Sends an embeded message |
end | / | end |
Ends a giveaway |
giveaway | / | giveaway |
Creates a giveaway |
idea | / | suggest |
Gives an idea for this Discord bot |
math | m, calculate | math |
Calculates a sum |
member-count | members | member-count | Displays the amount of members |
minecraft | mc | minecraft |
Displays information about a minecraft server |
prefix | / | prefix |
Sets a new prefix for the servers |
reroll | re-roll | reroll |
Rerolls a giveaway |
review | rate | review |
Sends a review about this Discord bot |
say | / | say |
Sends a message |
shorten | / | shorten |
Makes a link shorter |
translate | language | translate |
Translates a text to English |
urban | word | urban |
Searches the explanation of a word |
weather | wh | weather |
Gets the weather from a location |